
Back in the 80’s a boy showed interest in computers. His father, being employed in the new industry of “computer programmer” saw this interest and enrolled him in a YMCA summer program that was 80% swimming and 20% computers. Despite this, the boy’s interest in computers grew.

Then one fateful day the boy was visited by a fairy godsomething that bestowed upon him the most glorious computer of the day…


I have have been writing, maintaining, designing, and developing computer code ever since I received this Tandy Color Computer Model 2 on that day many years ago.

Today I am a software engineer by trade, leading a team of developers in designing and developing maintainable software solutions.

Over the course of my career I have taken many turns and swings. I’ve picked up tricks and tactics for life and software.

On this website I will share some of this knowledge and opinions with you.